Mosaic becomes a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI)

Mosaic becomes a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI)

Mosaic becomes a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI)

Mosaic Team

Published May 04, 2024

"Accreditation: What is, and Why?" graphic. The image symbolizes being in the dark about real authentication and why it matters.

We are thrilled to announce that Mosaic has joined the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), an organization committed to combating disinformation by fostering the development of technologies for certifying the source and history of media content. As digital content creation continues to grow, the need for verifiable authenticity has never been more critical.

We are thrilled to announce that Mosaic has joined the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), an organization committed to combating disinformation by fostering the development of technologies for certifying the source and history of media content. As digital content creation continues to grow, the need for verifiable authenticity has never been more critical.

At Mosaic, our mission aligns seamlessly with CAI's goals, as we focus on establishing creative truth through project authentication. By validating the details of who created what, when, and for whom, Mosaic ensures that every piece of creative work can be trusted and verified. This connection to the CAI not only enhances our capabilities but also strengthens the framework for digital content trust across industries.

Membership to CAI directly benefits Mosaic's mission of empowering creators with the tools to authenticate their work. Through this partnership, we gain access to a broader set of standards, technologies, and industry practices, which enhances our platform’s ability to provide indisputable proof of authenticity. This collaboration not only validates our efforts but also allows us to innovate alongside leading organizations that share our vision for a trustworthy digital future.

For the creative community, this partnership signifies a move towards a more transparent, secure, and credible digital environment. Creators can now feel even more confident in the integrity of their work, knowing it is backed by both Mosaic and CAI standards. Together, we are setting a new standard for authenticity that champions the originality and rights of creators everywhere.

We are excited to contribute to this initiative and look forward to what we can achieve together to improve the digital future we find ourselves navigating towards.

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